Strawberry Mousse
(For about 18 small glasses or ramekins)
1 21oz can strawberry pie filling
About 1 cup of the can’s syrup
4 egg whites
A pinch of salt
16 fl oz heavy whipping cream
1 - Open the can and empty it in a large bowl. Scoop out about one cup of the syrup and set aside for later.
2 - Using a soup blender, crush the strawberries and the rest of the syrup to make a puree.
3 - In a different bowl, whip the egg whites with the salt to stiff peaks and delicately fold in the strawberry puree.
4 - In another bowl, whip the cream to peaks and fold in the previous mixture.
5 - Pour the mousse into ramekin dishes or small glasses (with the help of a piping bag if you wish.)
6 - Spread the syrup previously set aside on top of each glass.
7 - Reserve in the fridge for a minimum of 4 hours.